Toxicology Pearls for Attorneys


Toxicology Pearls for Attorneys

Recorded On 11/12/2020


Join Allison A. Muller as she provides a broad overview of what attorneys need to know about the effects of alcohol, as well as common street and prescription drugs on the body; interpreting drug screens; how alcohol absorption can be delayed or increased; and the connection between drug levels and impairment. There is so much to know about the science behind drug and alcohol-related impairment, but this program will establish useful basic principles, including: 1. The expected effects on the body from common street and prescription drugs 2. Differences between drug/alcohol levels obtained from blood, urine, breath 3. Common false positives when interpreting drug screen results 4. The utility of drug levels for commonly encountered street and legal drugs 5. The correlation between drug and alcohol levels and level of impairment


Faculty: Allison A. Muller, Pharm.D, D.ABAT, FAACT, Principal/Owner: Acri Muller Consulting, LLC Moderator: Bari Chase, Esq.


1 NY CLE Credits; 1 Skills


All Programs include 1 Affirmation and 1 Evaluation Form, and Course Materials.

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Online Videos contain CLE codes that you must type into a supplied online affirmation form. Submit the online affirmation to the NYCLA CLE Institute to be issued a CLE certificate. We recommend that you watch the video as soon as possible.

We can only issue CLE credit if the law is still current.

Course Materials: You can download course materials on the Online Video webpage.

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