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Since its inception, NYCLA has been at the forefront of most legal debates in the country. We have provided legal education for more than 40 years.
Join NYCLA’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in the Law Committee for a lively discussion of the impact of the First Amendment on LGBTQ rights — and where we are headed.
Our expert panelists will discuss 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, a pending Supreme Court case, where the Court will decide whether the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act compelling a graphic artist to speak or stay silent about her religious objections to same-sex marriage, violates the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment … as well as discuss other pertinent issues
Program Co-sponsor: NYCLA’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in the Law Committee
Program Chairs: John Vang, The Legal Aid Society and Jason Moff, Kramer Levin
Faculty: Professor Arthur S. Leonard, New York Law School; Professor Tobias B. Wolff, University of Pennsylvania Cary Law School; Jeffrey S. Trachtman, Partner, Kramer Levin
Moderator: Jared M. Trujillo, Policy Counsel, New York Civil Liberties Union
1 NY PP; Transitional and Non-transitional; 1 NJ Credit: 1 General
To register: click the Register button below. The website will prompt you to log in or create an account to complete the checkout. If you are not a member, please join the membership before completing the checkout to take advantage of the member’s price. Registration closes 30 minutes before the program.
For technical and account-related issues, please get in touch with us at dradjabov@nycla.org
Webinar Link: After completing the checkout, you will receive a separate email with webinar access instructions. That email will arrive closer to the program start time. If you are still waiting to receive an access email 30 minutes before the program, please email cle@nycla.org.
Course Materials: We will email the link to download course materials 30 minutes before the program starts.
CLE Certificates (if applicable): After verifying your attendance, we will add your certificate to the “Download CLE Certificates” page, which you can access from your “My Account” page.