Safer Today, Stronger Tomorrow: Essential Self Defense Techniques for Attorneys


Safer Today, Stronger Tomorrow: Essential Self Defense Techniques for Attorneys

Start 12/19/2024 - 12:00 PM
End 12/19/2024 - 1:00 PM


This presentation will enhance all participants’ safety and wellbeing by decreasing the probability that they will be become the victim of a violent crime.


In the U.S.A. two million people were the victims of a violent crime in 2023. How can someone significantly cut their chances of being victimized?


In traditional self-defense training, the focus is on teaching the students the physical techniques of how to defend themselves. Although that is of value, many people are not going to have the fitness, time and access to a martial arts studio to be able to learn those moves effectively.  An element that is lacking in most of the self-defense training available is the mental awareness and preparedness to head off an attempted crime to begin with. We bridge that gap by teaching scientifically backed and time-tested techniques that are essential to you not being targeted.


You will learn:


  • The anatomy of a crime, what is the formula from start to finish? It’s not a random development.
  • What is the mental thought process of how criminals select their victims? Studies have been able to chronicle the specific traits that predators look for.
  • How can you prepare your mind, body and outward presentation so that predators will take a pass on you and move on to pick an easier target.
  • How you can set up your own safety perimeter.
  • The best self defense exercise you can do to have this specific exercise ingrained in your day to day thinking.
  • If all else fails, what are your options? Specific recommendations on verbal and physical defenses.


Summary: You have more power and control than you think! Learning this material will put you ahead of 90% of the general population in regard to being able to head off a criminal attempt for your belongings, body, or life.



Faculty: Dr. Lonna Denny D.C.

Moderator: Bari Chase, Esq., Director, NYCLA CLE Institute and Programs


1 NY Credit: 1 Skills; Transitional and Non-transitional; 1 NJ Credit: 1 General



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