December 2023 Bridge the Gap: Killing it in Court


December 2023 Bridge the Gap: Killing it in Court

Start 12/13/2023 - 9:00 AM
End 12/13/2023 - 5:10 PM


John Cleese of Monty Python fame once said, “He who laughs most learns best.” This applies equally to learning how to persuade others in court.

Learn the practical tips that will make you more effective, efficient and persuasive in court, as well as the ethical considerations you need to keep in mind. Topics range from the best deposition practices, ethical pitfalls to avoid in litigation, cross-examination techniques and how to avoid the dreaded bench slap.


Topics include:


  • Lying and the Law: Case studies of lawyers facing discipline for engaging in dishonest conduct
  • Using humor to persuade: Law is about persuasion and persuasion involves educating someone — a judge, a jury — that you are right. Yet while humor may be important , you also need to follow certain rules for effective uses of humor and how to avoid disasters in court
  • Deposition Do’s and Don’ts: Avoiding being an unethical or unprepared attorney during depositions
  • Cross examination tips: Rules for killer cross examinations that can be learned from Vinny Gambini of My Coons Vinny fame.
  • The greatest bench slaps and how to avoid them: Avoiding poor oral arguments, make sure you are clear, don’t argue — persuade, prepare, prioritize and know when to pivot.



Joel Oster, Esq., litigator in private practice and public speaker, Comedian of Law


9 NY Credits: 3 Ethics; 6 Skills; Transitional and Non-transitional; 9 NJ Credits: 3 Ethics; 6 General (3 Civil Trial Practice)



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Webinar Link: After completing the checkout, you will receive a separate email with webinar access instructions. That email will arrive closer to the program start time. If you are still waiting to receive an access email 30 minutes before the program, please email

Course Materials: We will email the link to download course materials 30 minutes before the program starts.

CLE Certificates (if applicable): After verifying your attendance, we will add your certificate to the “Download CLE Certificates” page, which you can access from your “My Account” page.

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